Bradford Occupied against fees
14 years ago
Following the actions of Sheffield Hallam students and workers from around the city who voted to occupy the tenth floor of the Owen building to make practical demands of the university in solidarity with Palestinians and to condemn the actions of the Israeli state, the Sheffield Free Gaza Movement was formed to build initiatives and campaigns and continue to put pressure on the university management to fulfil the demands of the occupation.
Why don't you condemn Hamas's totalitarian regime, its use of civilian shields, its position as Iran's proxy in the destruction of Israel, it's militantly anti-Semitic Charter, its firing on Southern Israel of rockets purchased from Iran and Russia, its use of tunnels from Egypt to smuggle in arms and missiles to kill Jews, its Nazi policies, its shooting dead of Palestinians who don't support it, its attacks on the moderate Fatah organisation, its homophobic stance, etc. etc. Why sre you so one-sided in your view of this conflict? Don't you like it when Jews defend themselves? Would you rather see their emaciated bodies piled up in mass graves?
ReplyDeleteSorry, I've got sympathy with your views that there should be criticism of the tactics of Hamas, but stomping into a densely populated area and flattening it isn't self-defence, considering the harm it has done to any peace process it's self-abuse. Hamas will arguably be strengthened by this, after all, where exactly are Palestinians supposed to turn...? Israel ignored Fatah, ignores any proposal more than a divided and oppressed swiss cheese state.
ReplyDeleteThat's rubbish. Israel left Gaza in 2005 and took 8,000 settlers with her by force so that land could be freed up for a Palestinian state, and all she got in return were rockets and missiles. Israel was responding to this with Operation Cast Lead. All Hamas had to do was stop the rockets and it didn't. Therefore Hamas is responsible for all the civilan casualties. Note that it's Hamas that is currently violating the ceasefire. Hamas has loads of money, but it would rather buy weapons to destroy Israel than build Gaza. I am also very sorry about the Gazan civilian casualties, it's tragic, but the IDF warned the Gazans to get out of the relevant areas before they struck, using leaflets and text messages to do so. In many instances, it was Hamas who prevented their flight to a safer area because they love the propoganda of having all those civilian casualties. Further, Israel DOES negotiate with Fatah's leader, and she is gradually giving control to the Palestinian Authority of the West Bank. Furthermore, if you look at the facts instead of the Palestinian/PSC propoganda, you'll see that over the years, Israel HAS made offers of statehood to the Palestinians. And look what they get in return - nothing but terror from people who glorify death.
ReplyDeleteIsrael leafleted Gazans to warn them of attacks and tell them to take refuge in schools where they would be safe. Israel bombed those schools killing innocent civilians.
ReplyDeleteA just and criminal war
In the name of a justified goal, Israel rained down fire and destruction on a closed ghetto with one of the highest population densities in the world. For three weeks, parents and children were crowded into unprotected apartments or fled from one school to another, from one hospital to the next; but they had no refuge from the bombs of the best air force in the world, or the shells of ground forces that sacrificed scores, even hundreds of these people in order to minimize the risk to its own soldiers, and to strike at terrorist fighters, who should justly be hit, but not at any price.
So wtf does hallam uni have to do with it? How about doing a sit-in at number 10 or the houses of parliament?
ReplyDeleteI notice this meeting is being held on Holocaust Memorial Day. Just to let you know, that it could be interpreted as inciting racial hatred, as it's potentially highly insensitive.
ReplyDeleteThis is also a bit insensitive;
ReplyDelete""Israeli minister vows Palestinian 'holocaust'"
A senior Israeli politician provoked controversy today when he warned that Palestinians firing rockets from Gaza would be punished with a "bigger holocaust" from Israeli armed forces.
The use of the Hebrew word for holocaust, "shoah", tends to be used exclusively in Israel to describe the Nazi persecution of Jews.
Palestinian activists routinely claim to be suffering a "shoah" at the hands of Israel, but the Jewish state normally denies any moral equivalence between the suffering of Palestinians today and European jewry under the Nazis.
Matan Vilnai, deputy defence minister, broke that taboo when he used the term "shoah" during interview on Army Radio.
Matan Vilnai was criticised extensively in Israel for that comment. He was referred to in the Israeli press as an idiot. That's old news anyway. You're clutching at straws. What about the Hamas Charter which says that it wants to "kill all Jews""? Not Israelis, but all Jews. Also, why don't you read today's on-line news? Get up to date!! There's an article which says that Palestinians captured by the IDF for questioning in this latest conflict are revealing Hamas abuses. Some of these people giving evidence about Hamas are themselves members of Islamic Jihad. They claim that it was HAMAS and NOT ISRAEL who prevented civilians from leaving places that Israel said they were going to strike. Using human shields is a war crime! So this is contrary to what anonymous above claims - that Israel leafletted them telling them to stay in schools. THEY TOLD THEM TO GET OUT. Read the reports.!!!!! It was Hamas who enticed them to stay in.
ReplyDeleteThe 5th comment down about now the world knows why I guessed this violent people is highly offensive and in breach of the law against incitement to racial hatred.
ReplyDeleteThe 5th comment is racist and extremely wrong. As a student who took part in this occupation I can say that that opinion is in no way condoned by the occupation.
ReplyDeleteHowever Hamas do not say they intend to kill all Jews, and whenever any Jewish people go over to Israel with the ISM they are told by Hamas officials that they are not the enemy, Zionism is.
Zionism is an extremely racist ideology bearing similarities to Aparthied South Africa, Sheffield Hallam universities refusal to condemn its actions are racist and a shame to the overwhelmingly supportive students.
The comparison between Apartheid South Africa and Israel is absolute nonsense. It's anti-Zionist propoganda. If you are so opposed to Zionism - or Jewish nationalism - why are you so in favour of Palestinian nationalism? Aren't you being racist because you are denying to Jews a right that you are prepared to grant to Palestinians? Also, you should READ the Hamas Charter adopted in 1988. It states: "Our struggle against the Jews is extremely wide-ranging and grave, so much so that it will need all the loyal efforts we can wield, to be followed by further steps and reinforced by...the Arab and Islamic world". The Charter then quotes the prophet Mohammed: "Muslims will fight the Jews and kill them; until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees...." This info is taken from the book "Globalising Hatred" by Denis Macshane, published in October 2008 by Orion books. According to this book, Hamas also declares "the so-called peaceful solutions and the international conferences to resolve the Palestinian problem are all contrary to the beliefs of Hamas". That's just the start - the Charter then goes on to say disgusting things about Jews, like they invented the holocaust to make money out of it, that they control the Masons, the Rotary Clubs, the Lions Clubs, etc. The Charter refers to "Zionist scheming" and accuses them of "trying to covet the Nile to the Euphrates". Anyway, I don't have time to write more now because I'm off to the pub, but you should read this book, written by a British PM who is NOT a Jew. He says that the Hamas Charter is all taken from the one of the most virulent expressions of Jew hatred ever - The Protocol of the Elders of Zion. So what individual Hamas members say to you or to anyone else is pretty irrelevant. READ the Charter!
ReplyDeleteThe comment posted on 01/02/09 at 21:04 has been deleted due to its racist content. Sheffield Hallam Occupiers and Sheffield Hallam Free Gaza Movement does not tolerate racism and racist remarks.
ReplyDeleteGood that you deleted that anti-Semitic comment, but it had already been seen and read by several people. It had been up 2 and a half days by the time you deleted it. It had probably offended someone. So you were too late! That is the kind of comment you have to anticipate when you make the sort of libellous claims that you and your PSC bed fellows make about the Jewish state and Jewish self-determination. You drag anti-Semites out of the woodwork by your constant demonisation and villification and delegitimation of the Jewish state.
ReplyDeleteWho advised you guys to make that disclaimer of responsibility for racism above?
ReplyDeleteThat racist comment has aready been reported to the authorities.
ReplyDeleteThe problems in the Middle East will never end! Not until people put religion and race second and peace and propriety first. People in Britain should keep there mouths shut and support our ally Israel while its under attack by terrorists. As for the students of Hallam supporting the demonstration that's rubbish too, a small contingent of students support this not the majority! Hallam uni itself should remain neutral in this it is wrong for it to side with one party. Doing so is inciting racial hatred!